It’s officially time to start building your teams for the 2025 Dekhockey Season!
All player rankings have been updated!

Please look into the divisions for the upcoming season and what the NEW player rankings & restrictions are for each division.

-go to
-click on “players”
-search any player and beside his/her name will be their “forward” and “goalie” ranking.

-If you have a new player that isn’t ranked.
-If you have multiple player profiles (please note: it is normal to have (1) “sub” profile and (1) “regular” profile).
-If your “sub” player profile and “regular” player profile both have different rankings.
-If your QC Dekhockey ranking is different from your NDA ranking.
-If you did not play last season and did not get an updated ranking.
-If you have any concerns about your ranking.

Stay tuned as all the 2025 season information will be posted very soon!
Registration for the Men’s/Coed, Women’s and Junior Leagues will officially open Monday, February 3rd!